Well...as it turns out, I don't do much babbling on here these days. It seems when I do have the thoughts and desires to write, I have no computer in front of me (and vice versa).
This week:
-"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer"
-Welcome to the world Natalie Anne! I can't wait to meet my new 2nd cousin.
-My parents have been married 33 years tomorrow. Go mom and dad!
-I need to expand my cooking horizons, spaghetti and tacos can only take you so far.
-Last week of day rotations. Plus- more sleeping in. Minus- not getting home til midnight, having opposite schedule as Al and my family. 3 more WEEKS of summer rotations, then its onto my final year of rad. Not that I'm counting.
-Lots of seeing friends hooplah has been going on during the weekends, I like it :)
-Saw Eclipse and loved it
-Have a great weekend everyone, fingers crossed for some sunny weather soon!